Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Site to Check Out: Lookbook.nu

Whenever I'm feeling lackluster in terms of fashion inspiration, or just want to look at some cool photos of the world's most stylish and creative people, I direct my mouse towards lookbook.nu.  Lookbook is "The internet's largest source of fashion inspiration from real people around the world."  I stumbled upon the community site one day while Google-searching "international street style."  Photos of people with real, everyday style (i.e. street style) have substantially helped me to develop my fashion preferences and spark creativity consciousness.  I soon discovered that Lookbook takes itself seriously.  Every member must receive approval to join the site before posting pictures.  Although Lookbook is an open community, the application involves a brief written response and photo submission; it helps if your credentials include a personal website or blog (Celebrity members include Rumi Neely from fashiontoast and Louise Ebel from Pandora!) I applied once and never received admission, but that has never deterred me from stalking the website several times daily.  Lookbook enables members can "hype" (vote) looks of others which boosts the most popular photos to positions at the top of the site page.  Members are also able to comment on and share looks.  If you're no stranger to street fashion blogs, you are probably familiar with Lookbook.  If not, you need to check it out STAT! It features guys and girls hailing from Texas to Sydney to Milan and beyond.  If nothing else, the photographs are beautifully done; many of them look like magazine spreads.  Lesley and I will be making frequent posts featuring some of our favorite Lookbook photos to showcase some of the season's best trends and get you guys inspired to get creative with your own wardrobes.  Read on for some sartorial eye candy to brighten this dreary Tuesday.

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